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The Adele #cancelledconcert & why its 'no big deal'

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When this news broke I seriously wanted to shout from the rooftops, 'Would you wise up'.

This happened me with #ladygaga in November 2019.


Was there a big deal made of it in the media ????

No and the reason I think because she was a different nationality.

Brave statement I hear you say. But when this news broke last week of Adele it was as if it was pure crisis material. 

And yes I GET IT!

My husband and I decided to go to #vegas for his 40th, we stayed at the #CosmopolitanVegas for 1 week while my sister-in-law minded all 4 kids. God love her lol as I swear the taxi runs/activities were mental.

But one Saturday night back in August 2019 I looked up the shows of who was performing and we thought we will never get this chance again so we thought what the hell and the tickets cost a fortune, no joke. Not that they were super seats, just the price of them was mental.


So it literally was the night of his #40thbirthday and I didn't mind sharing him with another woman just this once lol. I will never forget it, we were coming down the stairs from #STK and I was literally coming off the escalator and I got a notification from my bank that I had a refund from Ticketmaster and my stomach churned. I knew. 

#LadyGaga had cancelled her concert that night due to Bronchitis.

I actually wanted too cry I was so disappointed, we booked this holiday that we won’t  really repeat until the kids are older (you try to get 4 kids minded for a week lol).

And she CANCELLED ONLY ONE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like seriously, the one night that we picked. I don't want too type the words that I used. RAGING!!!!!!!!!

So when Adele cancelled a whole tour, in one sense , fair play, the whole thing didn't sit right with her.

But the furore. What are we teaching our kids?

Regardless the show must go on?

NO!!!!! I disagree. I ALWAYS tell my kids don't do something to please others. Be assertive . and yet the backlash this woman is getting for standing up and saying 'I am in my power and I don't want to go on' and she is crucified for it.

Obviously it boils down to money and that people have lost out, and I GET IT!

But seriously, can we not teach our kids that's its ok to say No and you won't please everyone ?

That makes me sad as a Woman and as a Mum raising 4 kids.



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