Ringarosies showcased their range of girls Occasion/Party Wear for ages 1-14 with the debut of our "Little Miss" range that caters for girls who have broader backs & waists. The event was held on Friday 3rd November at 7pm in the Killymoon Ladies Golf Club.
This was a Ticket Less event but the seating was limited so to avoid disappointment people where to show their interest early.
It was a FREE event supporting donations for Charis Cancer Care along with a raffle competition to win a FREE dress from @Ringarosies.
Also on the night we were delighted to combine our love for Leisurewear by having our local brand of clothing "MissFit" with their awesome ladies fitness range.
The night was a relaxed and casual evening with tea /coffee and some treats were provided.
Thank you everyone who participated and helped out, a big appreciation goes to my young Models who modeled our dress range perfectly. Thank you to Killymoon Ladies Golf Club who let us host her event on the night. The night was a great success and we had raised £800 for Charis Cancer Care Charity.
Geraldine x