I am just about to start another charity shop find book from Lisa Jewell. With lock-down i was able to start reading again, something I took for granted #beforekids. In our house there is always something to be done, ironing, cleaning or run somewhere. I always felt lazy or selfish if I pulled out a book, don't know why...#answersonapostcard.
I think this quarantine time has been more of a blessing than a curse for our #familyof6. I was of course upset that I couldn't visit family and friends, and I miss being able to leave the house whenever i want, but all in all I'm proud of how we all handled the situation.
I was forever saying 'if i had more time' and I would convince myself that the reason I dont do a lot of things is simply because I don't have enough time in the day.
Everything I did during lockdown was shifted to task orientated rather than time. Once I got it done that was it done, no clocks to beat or watch, it was glorious.
Then when the days had no time, I kinda proved to myself that this was true.
During #lockdown I did more things for ME.
I ran every day then walked with the kids and with my business, i took one step back and 10 forward. www.ringarosies.co.uk was launched via an iphone!
Yes I set up my website with an iphone, google, youtube .
I do think isolation has shown us a better way to do things.
I was forever running to the shops every day then every week during lockdown I had #tescodelivery and on a Saturday morning I was up with the larks and headed to our local butchers and bakers.
Done , the weeks shopping for a #familyof6.
No faffing.
I now realise that I can plan meals in advance and that I am a great dessert maker.
On a professional level I have now a website, not that it hasn’t had its problems but I am slowly but surely loading to it everyday. But as I have discovered, where there is a will there is a way.
Isolation has taught me that the simplest things are what matters, I should and will appreciate TIME.
Time to reflect and its OK to pause and not to waste time on going places I don't want to go and to choose how to spend my time how I like.
The last thing I learned, I am no Nicky Clarke, Mark ended up doing his own and the boys.
The most important thing i learned...
I am happy spending time in my 4 walls with the 5 other occupants. and the dog!
g x